Test References

Testing of the Terraforce blocks in progress at the Curtin University, Perth
Test references
- Guide to the design of Terraforce retaining walls, Oct. 1992 by W G Technau of Hawkins, Hawkins & Osborn. Rivonia, South Africa.
- Guidelines for the use of the Terraforce retaining wall design spreadsheet, Nov. 1994 by G Bentel of Steffen, Robertson & Kirsten. Technology Park, W Australia.
- Terraforce, the living retaining wall system: Design and installation manual for geosynthetic reinforced soil applications, Feb. 1996 by Dr Richard J Bathurst of Royal Military College, Kingston, Ontario and Colin Alston of Alston Associates Inc., Markham, Ontario, Canada.
- Terraforce design manual for Boral Besser Masonry Ltd, Oct. 1997 by Andrew Shirley of Shirley Consulting Eng. Sydney, Australia.
- Crushing tests of blocks subject to line loading, July 1998 by Damon Clark Associates. Durban, South Africa.
- Connection tests and interface shear tests, Nov. 1998 and Feb. 1999 by Dr Richard J Bathurst of Royal Military College. Kingston, Canada.
- Shear tests, 2018, determining shear strength between closed face Terraforce blocks and geo-grids in accordance with ASTM-D6916-18, by Johan Joubert, Wave International and Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
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