
Disclaimer & Legal

Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the technical information and the design/installation procedures presented herein are correct, neither Terraforce CC nor any authorised manufacturers worldwide, nor their consultants, who have contributed to the preparation of the guidelines, will be liable for any loss or damage, either direct or consequential, arising from any failure or collapse of a wall or  installation of any description constructed with Terraforce/Terracrete/Terrafix precast concrete blocks.

As with any structure, the design of Terraforce/Terracrete/Terrafix installations should be undertaken by suitably qualified and experienced designers with due cognisance being taken of the specific geotechnical conditions and vital soil parameters pertaining to the site. Likewise, the installation should be undertaken by suitably experienced or recommended contractors under professional supervision.

Terraforce products are/may be protected by trademark, design and copyright legislation in many countries.