2/2024 – Terracrete™ permeable paver provides flood alleviation in Benin City, Nigeria

The Terracrete permeable pavers between the home in Benin City, preventing erosion

Gapoina-Urora Flood Control Project Initiated 2020, the Gapoina-Urora Flood Control Project, situated in Benin City, Nigeria, is part of the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP). NEWMAP works in conjunction with the different state ministries of environment and the federal ministry of environment at the national level. It is a World Bank assisted project…


9/2023 – The cost of restoring our beaches

Composite retaining wall with foundation under sea level

Once again, during Sept 2023, South African beaches suffered considerable damage from a seasonal winter storm. As it happens at irregular intervals, a combination of high spring tide and strong onshore winds with waves of up to 9,5m high, affected 50% of the southern coastline.


6/2023 – Rooftop transformation with Terrafix

The Terrafix blocks heavy enough not to be blown of the roof.

Terrafix rooftop transformation Presented with a flat, unsightly rooftop at a home in Oranjezicht, Cape Town, South Africa, Bettina Haug, Euflora Landscaping, needed to find a solution for finishing off a surface that didn’t provide for a traditional roof top garden.


9/2021 – Storm water management on retaining walls

Vertical drains were installed

Drainage and Terraforce walls Since most retaining walls are semi-impervious, which means water cannot easily pass through the wall itself, efficient drainage is crucial. When drainage goes unaddressed, hydrostatic pressure can build up behind the wall and cause damage such as bulging or cracking, or even collapse.


6/2005 – Total Turnaround for Suburbs Wetland

To prevent problem plants from encroaching with ease, the walls are constructed at a steep angle of 85°, while the in and outlet areas will allow migration of various creatures

Wetland rehab with Terraforce In 2005, Steyn Swanepoel, from Steyn Swanepoel Landscape Design, and Luis Jordaan, his experienced project manager, were faced with complex site conditions when devising a remedial solution for an overgrown wetland located on privately owned land within the city bowl below Table Mountain.


11/2016 – Innovation with Terracrete in Australia

Terracrete hard-lawn blocks used for slope erosion control

Terracrete for slope erosion control The small town of Esperance is situated near the southern tip of Western Australia and Terraforce products (Terracrete hard lawn pavers and L11 and Terralite blocks) are selling well in the area, via the local Bunnings, the largest building warehouse chain in Australia.


7/2014 – Inter-linked Terracrete paver mats

Mat lifted on one side

In some cases, sites that need erosion control are difficult to reach or submerged under water. With this in mind, Terraforce recently developed pre-assembled inter-linked Terracrete  mats, that can be installed by crane. 


4/2014 – Need eco-friendly 4×4 tracks? Here’s how:


Subtle but durable: new access tracks for Geelkrans Nature Reserve The client, Cape Nature was looking for a permanent, yet flexible solution for jeep tracks on deep sandy substrates at Geelkrans Nature Reserve, Stillbaai, without the associated footprint impacts of commonly used hard structures such as asphalt or paving.


12/2013 – Storm water management, Decorwall block

The blocks limit the space lost around the detention pond and to create the largest pond possible in the space available

Storm water management with attenuation Ponds: In SA, Municipal by-laws require that storm water run-off at new property developments are channeled into attenuation ponds to prevent erosion, flooding and blocking of storm water systems.


37/2004 – Liesbeek River Newlands – Vintage Project

Terraforce L13 blocks were founded below anticipated depth of scour

L13 blocks were used to rehabilitate the trail, improving it visually and providing residents with a rehabilitated leisure area: Planners of the Liesbeek Trail were faced with serious erosion problems alongside this river, confined in a narrow corridor through the densely built-up suburb of Newlands. The aim of this project was to rehabilitate the trail,…