3/2019 – 40 years of commitment to technical excellence!

The year 2019 marks our 40th anniversary of being engaged in the earth retaining and erosion control industry.

Initially as a supplier and installer of wire mesh gabions, we soon switched to the more sustainable concrete block method of our own design. It was a good choice, and with only one competitor from Europe in this sector, our business grew steadily and is now represented by dedicated licensees on all continents.

Terraforce 40 years in business

From the word go, we knew that robust research, testing, and design guidelines was indispensable, not only as a service to our customers, but also to keep the free-loaders that invariably pop up at bay.

Over the years a number of laboratory tests (crushing resistance, inter-block sliding resistance, block – geogrid connectivity tests and block – geogrid shear resistance), 3 design manuals and a wealth of supplementary information was prepared and published.

In 2004 our first design software was launched and soon many of our clients requested the introduction of design service. Terrasafe was launched in 2011. In 2018 we launched our state-of-the-art design software, Maxiwall, a design tool for experienced professionals.

Terraforce is currently completing a comprehensive design course for gravity and composite retaining walls, in compliance with SANS 207 – based largely on BS 8006. To this end it was necessary to verify some of the findings of the aforementioned tests conducted in 1991 and 1995 in South Africa and Canada.

Shear tests at Curtin University, 2018

Testing of the Terraforce blocks in progress at the Curtin University, Perth
Testing of the Terraforce blocks in progress at the Curtin University, Perth

Curtin University in Perth, Australia – under the guidance of Johan Joubert of Wave International  – have recently submitted their report on their 2018 laboratory tests for determining shear strength between closed face Terraforce blocks and geo-grids in accordance with ASTM-D6916-18.

The report is available on request at info@terraforce.com
Test results L16 blocks Curtin University Perth
Example of a test result for the L16 block, Curtin University, Perth, Australia. Test results are for the L16 and L11 blocks, but apply to all sizes of the L blocks.

Brought to you by Terrasafe: Large scale Terraforce retaining wall at the ICC and 5 Star Hotel, Swaziland

Below is an impressive example of a large scale Terraforce retaining wall, Ezulwini, Swaziland, for the new International Convention Centre (ICC) commissioned by King Mswati III. This wall was designed by Terrasafe, our first-class engineering, management, and specialist technical service to users of  Terraforce products.

Expertly installed by Terraforce licensed manufacturer and installer in Swaziland, EFS Construction. Job well done!

Large scale Terraforce retaining wall, Ezulwini, Swaziland, for the new International Convention Centre (ICC) commissioned by King Mswati III.
Large scale Terraforce retaining wall, Ezulwini, Swaziland, for the new International Convention Centre (ICC) commissioned by King Mswati III.
Large scale Terraforce retaining wall, Ezulwini, Swaziland, for the new International Convention Centre (ICC) commissioned by King Mswati III.
Large scale Terraforce retaining wall, Ezulwini, Swaziland, for the new International Convention Centre (ICC) commissioned by King Mswati III.