Welcome to 2018 and hoping that all of you had a peaceful festive season! Looking back on the past twelve months, we are very happy with the quality and scope of projects completed – our best of 2017. Some amazing work by our recommended contractors and Terraforce licensees, without you this would not be possible.
We are also very proud to announce that the last five years have shown 75% growth in the company’s turnover, with a steady 15% each year, a significant achievement in the current economic climate.
Old Potters Inn, Greyton
Permeable paver eco-surface, with Terracrete. Installer: Dassenberg Retaining Systems.
Pepper Bay, West Coast
Terraforce wall at Pepper Bay Harbour for practical, stable, and weather resistant surface protection
Creative wall design around a building. Installers: Guerrini Marine Construction
Reddam House, Durbanville
Terraforce rock face finish retaining walls, Reddam House