1/2023 – Terrific Terracrete™ in Perth!
Eye-catching Terracrete installation in Australia
Presenting a stunningly eye-catching front yard/verge transformation with Terraforce® Terracrete™ permeable grass pavers by Tim Coote, Marmion, Perth, Western Australia. Blocks made locally by The Block Makers, Geraldton, Western Australia.

Says Coote: “We wanted to upgrade the old space in front of our home, creating new parking spaces and staircase down to the front door. Not only did we require it to be cooling, but also provide drainage on rainy days.
The design and look of the Terracrete grass paver delivered all that. I had a local paver lay the blocks and had the Corten steel step frames/retaining that I designed installed by local company ‘Green Earth Enterprise’. I love the look of the two different products together, especially once the green is added to soften the look!”
Native lawn finishes the look.
Coote explains that the pavers were laid over compacted cracker dust, with a layer of paving sand, finally bedding the edges with concrete. He adds that the blocks were simple to lay and a good size to use for the 40sm² of space paved. Finally, Coote used native lawn, ‘Tiff Tuff” to fill the individual holes of the blocks, by cutting the grass into matching size and shapes.
Approved by all!
Visitor have given the paving their stamp of approval, with Coote saying: “The only problem we have had is our visitors don’t park on it because it looks too good!”

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